Annual Events
As part of their ongoing non-profit activities, Elks organize annual events designed to raise money in support of their mission statement. These events are always fun with great food and entertainment.
Featured below you’ll find the Hoop Shoot, the Charity Ball, the ER’s Grand Lodge Party and the Christmas Tree Lot.
Hoop Shoot
Elk’s Fall Hoop Shoot is for kids ages 8-13. Every year, Elks Lodges around the country sponsor these Hoop Shoots at the local schools. Kids compete for the most hoop shots from the free-throw line. This year, the number one contender threw 25 out of 25 straight baskets.

Charity Ball
Every fall the Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge holds an annual Charity Ball to raise funds for the purpose of providing local families with holiday cheer. With over 70 “baskets” containing food and gifts the effort is appreciated throughout the valley. Each year the event is created through the imagination and efforts of the Esteemed Leading Knight and his/her team.
ER’s Grand Lodge Convention Going Away Party
The monies raised during this event pay for sending the Exalted Ruler to the annual Grand Lodge Convention. During the convention, ER’s, Lodge secretaries and other Elks officials from across the country learn and discuss the latest information affecting the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Members also attend numerous classes. All information is then brought back by the Exalted Ruler and shared among the lodge members.
Christmas Tree Lot Sales

CARLSON BUILDING MATERIALS has once again made a part of their street front property available to us on Thousand Oaks Boulevard. Please be sure to patronize this valued sponsor whenever possible. They are located at 1432 E Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks, CA 91362. Or call them at 805-495-3711.
The Spirit of the Holidays

Last year the Christmas Tree Lot would not have been possible without the generosity of our members and Carlson’s Building Materials. We would like to thank them for allowing us to use their facility raising monies for our various charities including scouts, veterans, and scholarships.
Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge helps the Conejo Valley continue to produce clean air and stay “Green”
Environmental benefits of real Christmas trees:
- They’re recyclable. After the holidays, trees are chipped into biodegradable mulch, which can be used for playgrounds, gardens, hiking trails and animal stalls. Whole trees are also used on beaches to prevent shore erosion, and in lakes, streams and ponds to provide hiding spots and feeding areas for fish.
- They grow back. North American forests cover about the same area of land as they did 100 years ago and, in the last decade, have actually expanded by nearly 10 million acres.